Wednesday 11 November 2009

The Vicar's son Dominic Benson

Dominic Benson the adopted child of the local vicar, and 6 foot tall son number one, have moved into a flat in a house just seven doors away. Imagine that. The idiotic vicar thinks it's best to fund the two sixteen year old boys' premature excursion into independence - given they're going to do it anyway. Well how could they, if you hadn't coughed up hundreds of pounds for rent and given that dipstick adoptee, an allowance. What's this, tales of the very unexpected, decanted to Birmingham. How damn ridiculous can the clergy be ? Very, as it happens.

I'm leaving home you say. No you are not I say. Watch me. and I did ;as you packed the quilt, cutlery and plates and a couple of mugs. Put those back I say. They aren't yours. That'll teach him me thinks. Sod you he says and bangs the door and is gone. Later that night around eleven, he's knocking at the door in his parka. Mum. MUM !!!! Can I have two pounds for the electric meter. We haven't got any lights. Oh good I think, he'll soon be home. Stop being childish, we've got plenty of electric. Just get back home. And then he was gone. Into the dark dark night. He went quietly.

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